Ranking of the Alton Towers roller coasters

Ranking of the Alton Towers rollercoasters
This blog ranks the Alton Towers rollercoasters from my least favourite to favourite. This list is completely my opinion and all my views are my own. 

10. Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure 

I do not think Octonauts is a bad coaster, it is just I am not part of it's target audience so it does not appeal to me. The theming is nice and I like the water effect as well as the well themed trains.

9. Spinball Whizzer

Due to the fact of me not liking spinning coasters much Spinball Whizzer is my least favourite of the family coasters in the resort. The ride is intense in sections and has a great soundtrack, I also like the red and blue colour scheme used.

8. Runaway Mine Train

This is my favourite powered coaster in the country and for good reason. The theming may lack in parts other than the station but the interaction with Katanga Canyon and Congo River Rapids makes up for that. My favourite section has to be the tunnel closely followed by the second helix. 

7. Rita

This Intamin Accelerator coaster ranks at the bottom of my thrill coasters. The launch just does not provide much thrill other than on the front row and the rest of the ride just meanders around Dark Forest with no airtime and very little force.There is little to no theming around the ride and the story is very weak and shoe horned in. If any coaster could get removed from the park I would choose this.

6. Galactica

I only rode this coaster 5 times in 2019, 4 of them being at Scarefest. At the start of the season I avoided this coaster like the plague but during Scarefest and rode it and enjoyed it meaning it has become a ride I look forward to rather than avoiding. The portal and station look decent but the rest of the theming leaves a lot to be desired however the landscaping makes up for it. Not a bad coaster but definitely not amazing.

5. Oblivion

This was in my top 3 coasters at the park earlier in the year but this season I think it has gotten a bit of a rattle to it which has ruined the ride a bit for me. The thrill you get is still second to none and always gives you a rush. The theming and soundtrack are great and the throughput is also brilliant meaning the coaster usually has short queues. Don't look down. 

4. Th13teen

Th13teen is a great coaster which always puts a smile on my face. The outdoor section is surprisingly thrilling with some good airtime and the indoor section is intense and well themed. The trains are really well themed and also run very well with the coaster frequently being on 3 trains. The best time to ride it is at night when there are no lights around the coaster. 

3. Nemesis

Nemesis for me has always been a good coaster but not the second coming, which some people make it out to be. The most intense coaster in the park has some great elements and the way it is integrated into the landscape is an engineering masterclass. Always having a short queue due to the throughput it is a great coaster to do re rides on while at the park. My favourite row is probably the front but the back is also very good.

2. The Smiler

If this list was based off of front row rides The Smiler would be at number one! The other rows provide a good ride experience but not the world class ride the front gives. I love the theme and wish more theming could be added and the soundtrack is such an ear worm. My favourite part of the ride has to be the section in between the first and second dive loop where you drop down before flying back up into another inversion. Another great ride for re rides especially since the addition of the single rider line. 

1. Wickerman

Wickerman is the ultimate Alton Towers coaster in my opinion. It has the best theming. It has the best airtime. It has the best soundtrack. It has the best throughput. I love this ride so much and always make it a must to do it as many times as I can when I visit. My favourite part has to be the s-bend after the second drop, although towards the end of the season it developed quite a rattle which will hopefully be fixed. The preshow is great and really sets the mood and really helps tell the story in a fun and thrilling way. I do not have a favourite seat as I enjoy all of them. In my opinion Alton Towers' best ever roller coaster.

That was my top 10 rollercoasters at Alton Towers, I'd love to see your favourite coasters at the park so please leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading!



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