Alton Towers Areas

Ranking the Alton Towers Areas
Alton Towers has many great themed areas, and some not so great. Since 1992 themed areas have been a staple of the park and along with Chessington the park pioneered themed areas in the UK. Here is my ranking of the nine themed areas at the resort.
9. X-Sector based X-Sector is one of the top areas, with 2 of the parks biggest coasters there. But on theming the area lacks. Outside of the rides areas there is little theming, which is a shame as the Ministry of Joy theming which was added in 2013 has a lot of potential. The area was created in 1998 with the addition of Oblivion and is themed around a government test area. This area feels more focused on the rides and there is not much theming outside of that which is a shame. 

8. Forbidden Valley Valley, founded in 1994, is an area which has been falling since the closure of Ripsaw and Nemesis Sub Terra. Before that the area was full of attractions making the area really feel like a post apocalyptic society. The highlights of the area is the Nemesis theming and Galacticas theming but other than that the rest of the area has gaps and a lack of theming. This area being so low is a testament to the other areas and I believe if a new ride is put back into the Ripsaw spot and a dark ride is put back in it could fly up the ranking as at Scarefest when Project 42 is open it makes a much more sinister entrance to the area and immerse guests straight away, making Nemesis even more impressive.

7. Dark Forest the last 2 areas the new for 2010 area Dark Forest has so much potential but due to a lack of budget this was never really met. The area is compact and features two coasters. The main plaza and entrance to the area has some average theming and can immerse the guest slightly. But the best part for me is the Th13teen plaza and general ride area as the £15 million Intamin has some great theming and is very immersive and the indoor section and facade of the coaster helps the area a lot. The 2016 refurb of the plaza with the removal of scaffolding helped but the area needs some more immersive theming and a retheme of Rita would also help it climb up the rankings. 

6. The Towers
The Towers is a difficult area and has a lot of miss match rides. The 1800's stately home is the major focus of the area with the gardens also being included. Although not created by the park this building makes the area rise up the rankings and immerses the guest in a old 1800's setting. The highlight of the area is Hex, the 2000 dark ride is mainly based in the Towers themselves and is the best themed ride in the park and really carries the area. Other attractions include the well themed Alton Towers Dungeon, the well themed but out of place Cuckoo Cars Driving School and Spinball Whizzer, which is located very far away from the rest of the area. If more attractions were based on the towers themselves like Hex the area could be far higher as they already have a great piece of theming in the middle of it all. At Scarefest the area hosts the majority of the parks scare mazes making it the hub of the parks Halloween event.

5. Katanga Canyon this was on best soundtracks, Katanga Canyon would be number one. Theming wise, although it has seen better days, the 1992 area is very strong. The fact the area has not been expanded is good as Runaway Mine Train and Congo River Rapids compliment each other well. The plaza is the only part of the area and is well themed, although my favourite part has to be the entrance sign over the body of water. This area in my opinion needs very little changes as it is and should not be changed from John Wardley's 1992 vision. The changes I would recommend is just some repaints on some of the theming elements. 

4. Towers Street Street is the oldest area in the park, opening in 1986, and is the only area with no rides. The area is just a straight street with buildings, with facilities, running down the side. Recently the buildings all got repainted meaning the area has much more of a fresh feel, which is good as it is the first thing guests see. The middle of the street has islands with lawns and ponds on. The ponds are some of the most iconic parts of the whole park with the famous Towers Street frogs in the middle. Much like Katanga Canyon this area is very good as it is and the only thing I would change is more detail on some of the buildings, but this is definitely not something the park has to worry about too much. 

3. Gloomy Wood Wood is the only area in the park I believe that does not need any changes. The area which opened in 1992 has one attraction in Duel and is a very isolated area in a corner of the park. The main plaza in the middle has the centrepiece of Duel's facade which is a very impressive building and completely hides the show building behind. There are three paths into the area, the Forbidden Valley and Katanga Canyon paths have little theming but the audio is very strong and immediately shows the feels of the area. The path from Mutiny Bay is known as Haunted Hollow and is a well themed shortcut with different spooky items placed along the path along with the audio. I believe this area is perfect and although Duel could do with a refurb the area itself does not need any changes. 

2. Mutiny Bay Bay was Merlin's first Alton Towers investment in 2008 and is a very nice area with lots of focal points. The middle of the area has two rides and lots of facilities with well themed facades and a parrot in the middle. Besides the main plaza there is the courtyard which is inside a nicely themed castle which is next to a lake with the aesthetically pleasing Battle Galleons next door, possibly the best themed ride in the park. On the outskirts of the area is Wickerman, which although is not themed to pirates like the rest it still works reasonably well and the coaster has such a good experience and immersion it really helps the area. This is a great area and one the park should be proud of and with some changes could become a world class themed area. 

1. CBeebies Land
CBeebies Land is the best themed area in my opinion and this is a great thing seeing how many guests visit the park just for this area. The area is enclosed with only one entrance and has over ten rides and attractions as well as a show arena and facilities. The thing that makes this area so good is the fact it was all developed at the same time, in 2014, meaning everything was thought about at the same time. The area has been constantly improving with additions in 2015, 2017 and 2019. Although some parts of the area need some TLC overall it is still in top condition. Personally I think the best themed part of the area is the Octonauts corner of the area. I believe the way for this area to stay on top is for the constant additions coming in meaning the area is staying fresh as well as keeping the current pieces of theming fresh and making sure there is TLC going on.
So that is my ranking for the Alton Towers themed areas, I'd love to hear what your favourite area is and where you think The World Of David Walliams will fit in?

Thanks for reading and check out my Twitter for news, updates and blogs @Corkscrewcoast.


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